This section presents research updates of relevance to forests and forestry.

November - December 2024

The enduring world forest carbon sinkThe enduring world forest carbon sink
The enduring world forest carbon sinkThe enduring world forest carbon sink

By absorbing CO2, forests play a crucial role in slowing climate change. By analysing forest data from boreal, temperate, and tropical regions, Pan et al. found that global forest carbon absorption was steady at around 3.5 to 3.6 Pg C per year in the 1990s to 2010s. The global land carbon sink has grown, implying an increase in the non-forest-land carbon sink, but its stability may be threatened by aging forests, ongoing deforestation, and increasing disturbances.

Through smoke to policy: Framing the EU forest fire policy landscape
Through smoke to policy: Framing the EU forest fire policy landscape

New study analysed 354 legally and non-legally binding EU policy documents to see how forest fires are framed. Analysis resulted in six key frames, e.g. ‘Climate adaptation and resilience’ and ‘risk mitigation and protective governance’. The identified frames highlight different impacts, like effects on biodiversity or timber supply. The framing of forest fires is therefore interlinked with specific policy domains and the knowledge communities shaping these discussions.

Impacts of wildfire severity on plant community
Impacts of wildfire severity on plant community

Trotta et al. studied 35 field plots and satellite data for fire severity in the Karst forests of northeast Italy, one year after a large wildfire in 2022. They examined tree species, herbaceous diversity and functional traits, and found that some species, like downy oak, were more resistant to fire, while others, like smoke bush, were resilient through resprouting. Areas affected by higher fire severity had greater species richness and higher alien plant cover as a consequence, while native plant cover remained stable.

Silvicultural regime shapes understory functional structure in European forests
Silvicultural regime shapes understory functional structure in European forests

Chianucci et al. analysed data from over 2000 plots across 11 European countries and found that different silvicultural regimes influence different facets of understory functional features. Intensive silvicultural regimes are associated with a decrease in functional diversity and an increase in functional redundancy in the forest understory, which may limit the range of ecosystem responses to environmental changes. Low harvesting intensity regimes maintained functional diversity and redundancy values compared to unmanaged conditions. The findings also show the importance of maintaining, promoting and monitoring unmanaged forests to assess their ecological properties and benchmark active silvicultural practices.

A technological biodiversity monitoring toolkit for biodiversity credits
A technological biodiversity monitoring toolkit for biodiversity credits

The biodiversity credit market offers a crucial funding source for biodiversity conservation projects. Ford et al. reviewedmonitoring technologies commonly cited by biodiversity credit methodologies, e.g. (e)DNA metabarcoding, passive acoustic monitoring and other remote sensing methods. Technological solutions for biodiversity monitoring are not (yet) a cure-all but are key for verifiable monitoring at scale and should be combined with ground validation and human-collected ecological data.

3775-year-old wood burial supports “wood vaulting” as a durable carbon removal
3775-year-old wood burial supports “wood vaulting” as a durable carbon removal

Trees and plants capture carbon dioxide as they grow, but most of it is released quite quickly as foliage and wood decay. Zeng et al. found a 3775-year-old ancient wood log buried 2 metres below ground. Nearly perfectly preserved, its carbon loss was less than 5% compared to a modern sample. The authors suggest a hybrid nature-engineering approach for carbon removal by burying woody biomass in an environment without oxygen, like clay, to create wood vaults that may prevent degradation.

Changes in planned and unplanned canopy openings are linked in Europe’s forests
Changes in planned and unplanned canopy openings are linked in Europe’s forests

Seidl & Senf investigated canopy disturbances at forest stand level identified in Europe using Landsat over the period 1986–2020 and covering 417,000 km². They distinguish between planned and unplanned canopy openings, i.e., disturbance by human land use versus by wind, bark beetles, and wildfire. They show that canopy openings by humans dominate the European forest disturbance regime, and that planned and unplanned canopy openings are not changing independently but do so as linked disturbances. This has implications for forest policy and forest risk management.

The relationship between forest structure and naturalness in the Finnish national forest inventory
The relationship between forest structure and naturalness in the Finnish national forest inventory

To protect biodiversity, accurate identification of natural forests is crucial. Myllymäki et al. explored ways to measure forest “naturalness” in the Finnish forest inventory. They analysed tree sizes and spatial patterns using various metrics, and tested machine learning to help predict naturalness. Their results show that natural forests have a wider range of tree sizes and more clustered tree groupings compared to "near-natural" or "non-natural" ones. Their results highlight the need to enhance field recording of naturalness to improve both forest mapping and the quality of NFI assessments.

Historical maps improve the identification of forests with potentially high conservation value
Historical maps improve the identification of forests with potentially high conservation value

To support forest conservation efforts in the Carpathians and beyond, Grabska-Szwagrzyk et al. used mid-19th century maps and remote sensing data to identify forests over 150 years old, minimizing the need for detailed fieldwork. Their method, applied to a 20,000 km² area in the Polish Carpathians—home to many high-value, unprotected forests—revealed 4200 km² of continuous forest cover since the mid-19th century, with half of this area lying outside protected zones.

September - October 2024

Integrated global assessment of the natural forest carbon potential
Integrated global assessment of the natural forest carbon potential

Mo et al. combined ground-sourced and satellite-derived approaches to evaluate the scale of global forest carbon potential outside agricultural and urban lands. The study indicates that the total potential for additional forest carbon storage is 226 Gt. 61% of this can be achieved by protecting existing forests and allowing them to regrow to maturity. The remaining 39% can be achieved by reconnecting fragmented landscapes through community-driven ecosystem restoration and management.

Post-disturbance canopy recovery and the resilience of Europe’s forests
Post-disturbance canopy recovery and the resilience of Europe’s forests

In the first continental-scale analysis of post-disturbance forest recovery in Europe, Senf and Seidl used satellite data from 1986–2018 across 35 countries. Their analyses show that 69% of Europe's forests recover from disturbances within 30 years, but 14% have low or critical resilience. With climate change potentially increasing natural disturbances, enhancing forest resilience should be a priority for management, by reducing the intensity of harvest and planting trees after disturbances.

Growing stock monitoring by European National Forest Inventories
Growing stock monitoring by European National Forest Inventories

Throughout history, wood resources have been essential for human welfare. The volume of growing stock (GS) is considered one of the most important forest attributes monitored by National Forest Inventories (NFIs) to inform policy decisions and forest management planning. Gschwantner et al. provide an up-to-date review focusing on large-area GS monitoring, from the history of European NFIs to current methods, as well as an outlook under changing climate and forest-based bioeconomy objectives.

Carbon carrying capacity in primary forests shows potential for achieving Green Deal 2030 target
Carbon carrying capacity in primary forests shows potential for achieving Green Deal 2030 target

Carbon accounting in the land sector needs a reference level to calculate past carbon losses and potential gains. The carbon carrying capacity of primary forests is an ecologically-based reference, estimating mitigation potential achievable through implementing forest protection and restoration measures. Analysing tree inventory data from 7,982 sites across Europe, Keith et al. found that protecting and restoring forests could yield 309 megatons of CO2 equivalents annually, exceeding current sinks and aligning with the Green Deal 2030 target.

Simulating future wood consumption and the impacts on Europe's forest sink to 2070
Simulating future wood consumption and the impacts on Europe's forest sink to 2070

The annual wood harvest in the EU was 1.1 m3 per year per capita in 2021. Rougieux et al. assess future management options and their impacts on the forest carbon sink. Their scenarios indicate that an intensified use of non-merchantable wood resources would reduce the area affected by direct management activities, and the forest carbon sink would almost meet the EU LULUCF target for forest land. Thereafter, however, the forest carbon sink will deteriorate rapidly due to increased wood consumption. Only a reduction in wood consumption appears to be compatible with the forest carbon budget which ensures meeting of the EU targets until 2050, while increase in harvesting intensity and wood utilisation could undermine those targets.

May - July 2024

Harmonization and variation of deadwood density and carbon concentration
Harmonization and variation of deadwood density and carbon concentration

For German forest greenhouse gases reporting, deadwood carbon stock is calculated using volume, deadwood density, and carbon concentration for each decay class. Herrmann et al. developed a method to harmonize data collected from literature to supplement and improve the German data. Their meta-analysis on Central European tree species found the IPCC default value of 50% might under- and overestimate the real carbon concentration of spruce, pine and beech, depending on the decay class, by about 4% at the maximum.

Could changes in forest management regimes enhance carbon sequestration and stock capacity?
Could changes in forest management regimes enhance carbon sequestration and stock capacity?

Dalmonech et al. used a state-of-the-art biogeochemical forest growth model to simulate the effect of different management practices on productivity and carbon storage in European forests under 20 climate change scenarios. The study findings suggest that the business-as-usual forest management practices may be a close-to-optimum scheme for maintaining both the carbon uptake and woody stocks in forests, even under a changing climate. The results indicate that there is little further leeway to increase the carbon sink capacity in the forests without sacrificing the existing carbon storage. Instead, the authors emphasize that it is today crucial for EU countries to preserve forests’ functionalities under the pressure of the rapidly changing climate conditions, in order to maintain the climate mitigation potential and the supply of wood products and many ecological goods and services. The study highlights the limited potential for simultaneously increasing both net primary productivity (NPP) and potential carbon woody stocks (pCWS) through intensified management practices.

The structure of mountain forests across the Alps and the role of disturbance and recovery
The structure of mountain forests across the Alps and the role of disturbance and recovery

Stritih et al. used spaceborne lidar data to identify forest structure patterns across the European Alps, covering over 10.5 million ha. They identified two alternative states: tall, closed-canopy forests (76%) and short, open-canopy forests (24%). Within 35 years after disturbance, 72% of forests recovered to a closed-canopy state, except in submediterranean forests where recovery is slower. As climate warming increases disturbances and causes thermophilization of vegetation, transitions to open-canopy conditions could become more likely in future. This could pose a challenge for forest management, as open-canopy forests have lower capacities for providing important ecosystem services.

Tree crown defoliation in forest monitoring
Tree crown defoliation in forest monitoring

Tree crown defoliation is an important parameter in monitoring forests and climate disturbances, eg within the pan-European ICP Forests programme. Defoliation is defined as the loss of needles or leaves compared to a reference tree and serves as an unspecific indicator of tree health and vitality. Bussotti et al. highlight the need to connect defoliation levels with the physiological functioning of trees, as it integrates various intrinsic and extrinsic factors. The authors propose a set of physiological indicators for application in forest monitoring programs, including water relations, photosynthesis and carbon metabolism, growth, and mineral nutrients of leaves. They emphasize the importance of integrating these physiological measurements with traditional visual assessments to improve the prediction of tree mortality and forest decline under changing climatic conditions.

Reporting carbon fluxes from unmanaged forest
Reporting carbon fluxes from unmanaged forest

Unmanaged land areas are not included in current national reports on greenhouse gas emissions for the Paris Agreement. Nabuurs et al. argue that CO2 fluxes from all forest land need to be recorded to help track progress towards global climate targets and fill the knowledge gap. They propose a gradual 4-step transition process to start in 2-3 years’ time, including adequate financial support for developing countries to improve their monitoring systems.

April 2024

Early monitoring of forest wood-boring pests with remote sensing
Early monitoring of forest wood-boring pests with remote sensing

Remote sensing technology is a powerful tool for monitoring different stages of pest disturbance in a timely manner. Luo et al. evaluate remote sensing platforms, such as ground instruments to monitor needles, unmanned aerial vehicles for stand evaluations, manned aircraft and satellites for larger scales, as well as sensor technology (eg LiDAR, radar) and detection models. Precisely identifying host tree species or differentiating between wood-boring pests causing similar damage is challenging. 

A synthesis of multi-taxa management experiments to guide forest biodiversity conservation in Europe
A synthesis of multi-taxa management experiments to guide forest biodiversity conservation in Europe

To develop ecologically sustainable forest management practices, it is important to understand the management impacts on forest-dwelling organisms. Tinya et al. study metadata from 28 experimental field studies on the effects of forestry treatments on multi-taxa biodiversity. Based on the results they pose 8 research questions for management- and ecology-oriented studies which could be upscaled to the European level, and set out 11 knowledge gaps which require additional field experiments.

Sustainable economy trade-offs and conflicts in and with the forest
Sustainable economy trade-offs and conflicts in and with the forest

In the transition towards a sustainable economy, forests and their ecosystem services play a vital role. Schulz et al. propose a conceptual framework to describe and classify the potentially competing demands on forests and forest management, and the conflicts that may result. They suggest differentiating between goal conflicts at the policy formulation level, and trade-off situations in forest management and planning. They further distinguish between conflicts and trade-offs that occur “in” or “with” the forest. 

Laser scanning reveals potential underestimation of biomass carbon in temperate forest
Laser scanning reveals potential underestimation of biomass carbon in temperate forest

Accurate assessments of above-ground biomass carbon stocks are needed to quantify the climate mitigation benefits of e.g. forest restoration. Calders et al. use 3D laser measurements across the full range of tree size and shape in a typical UK temperate forest to assess tree size-to-mass allometric models, used since the 1960s for biomass calculation. They find 1.77 times more biomass than expected, due to bias towards small trees in the original models, and more abundant large trees from changes in forest management. 

The European forest carbon budget under future climate conditions and current management practices
The European forest carbon budget under future climate conditions and current management practices

To meet carbon neutrality goals, the EU27 net carbon sink from forests should increase to −450 Mt CO2eq yr−1 by 2050. Pilli et al. use a meta-modelling approach to show that if current management practices are continued, the EU27 + UK forest carbon sink would decrease to c. −250 Mt CO2eq yr−1 in 2050 and −80 Mt CO2eq yr−1 by 2100. However, climate change adds a considerable uncertainty, potentially nearly doubling or halving the sink associated with management. 

Temperature extremes of 2022 reduced carbon uptake by forests in Europe
Temperature extremes of 2022 reduced carbon uptake by forests in Europe

Van der Woude et al. investigate the impact of the 2022 summer drought in central and SE Europe on carbon exchange between European forests and the atmosphere, using ground-and space-based monitoring platforms. They find a reduction of net biospheric carbon uptake, despite partial compensation by a warm autumn. Comparison to the 2018 drought suggests this is no longer an exceptional situation, and important to factor into Europe’s plans for net-zero greenhouse gas emissions that rely on carbon uptake by forests.

March 2024

Possibilities of mapping old-growth temperate forests by remote sensing in Europe
Possibilities of mapping old-growth temperate forests by remote sensing in Europe

The EU Biodiversity strategy for 2030 calls for strict protection for primary and old-growth forests in Europe, leading to more efforts to identify and monitor them. Remote sensing offers a wide range of data and methods which can support the mapping of forests and their properties. Hirschmugl et al. explore parameter-based approaches such as using airborne laser scanning (ALS) data, direct approaches using machine learning algorithms, and indirect approaches via predictions based on existing data.

Where are we now with European forest multi-taxon biodiversity and where can we head to?
Where are we now with European forest multi-taxon biodiversity and where can we head to?

Burrascano et al. make extensive and comprehensive data on forest management, structural attributes and multi-taxon biodiversity available in a single, harmonized and publicly explorable platform. They harmonize and merge 34 datasets on forest biodiversity, exploring the links between different forms of sustainable forest management and biological and functional diversity. Knowledge and research gaps include boreal, Mediterranean, thermophilous and floodplain forests.

Harmonised statistics and maps of forest biomass and increment in Europe
Harmonised statistics and maps of forest biomass and increment in Europe

A dataset and accompanying article developed in collaboration by the EC’s Joint Research Centre and European National Forest Inventory experts presents harmonized statistics and maps of forest area, biomass stock and their share available for wood supply in the year 2020, and statistics on gross and net volume increment in 2010-2020 for 38 European countries. The work harmonizes the sample-based National Forest Inventory data, generally differing in terms of timing, methods and definitions.

Standardizing forestry terms and definitions across European biodiversity studies
Standardizing forestry terms and definitions across European biodiversity studies

The multitude of forestry terms used in European biodiversity studies hinders comparability and makes the assessment of the impacts of forest management on biodiversity highly context-dependent. Trentanovi et al. developed a harmonized terminology for vegetation and forest management-related information by taking a novel bottom-up and top-driven review process. The standards they propose could be adapted to other geographical areas and extended to other forest interventions.

February 2024

Continuous forestry can boost carbon sequestration in Finnish peatlands
Continuous forestry can boost carbon sequestration in Finnish peatlands

Widescale drainage of wood-covered peatlands has promoted forest growth but also increased soil greenhouse gas emissions, exacerbated by clearcutting. Lehtonen et al. see continuous cover forestry (CCF) as a promising option for mitigation. They simulated four management scenarios for Finnish forests, including a business-as-usual scenario with clearcutting. Results show CCF has potential for emission reduction without compromising wood production despite the leakage of harvests to sites with mineral soils.

Trees outside forests contribute to European tree cover and woody biomass
Trees outside forests contribute to European tree cover and woody biomass

European national inventories assess forest resources, meaning the contribution of urban and agricultural trees to national-level carbon stocks is largely unknown. Using maps from 3-metre resolution nanosatellite imagery across Europe, Liu et al. found that in several countries and regions tree cover outside forests exceeds 15% of national tree cover. Urban areas can have a relatively high tree cover with a considerable contribution to the national aboveground biomass.

A simple concept for estimating deadwood carbon in forests
A simple concept for estimating deadwood carbon in forests

While deadwood volume is assessed in forest inventories, data about its carbon and density depending on the extent of decay is limited. Neumann et al. used data collected in Austrian forests to estimate deadwood carbon by measuring deadwood volume and decay classes. They found that decay reduces deadwood density significantly, while the carbon fraction increases moderately with decay. Their method can improve the accuracy of assessment of deadwood carbon content based on forest inventories data.

Post-fire recovery of soil microbial functions is promoted by plant growth
Post-fire recovery of soil microbial functions is promoted by plant growth

Increasing evidence shows fires cause a shift in soil microbial communities which play a central role in forest carbon and nutrient cycling. To test how soil heating affects microbial functions, researchers heated a forest soil at 200°C or 450°C. Soil heating temporarily altered microbial functions and reduced soil functional diversity. Heating-induced nutrient availability stimulated grass growth, which increased the response to several substrates and increased functional diversity to values similar to unheated controls.

Increasing aridity causes larger and more severe forest fires across Europe
Increasing aridity causes larger and more severe forest fires across Europe

In a European-scale analysis of fire activity in response to increasing summer aridity, Grünig et al. used a multi-decadal, spatially explicit dataset of 64,448 fire events mapped from satellite data. They found that consistent climate sensitivity of forest fire regimes across biomes is significant, projecting that potential maximum fire size and maximum burn severity will increase across all biomes of Europe. The authors see a need for improved fire management and firefighting strategies.

January 2024

Filling the gap on consistent and spatially explicit insect and disease forest disturbance data
Filling the gap on consistent and spatially explicit insect and disease forest disturbance data

Forest disturbances are increasing in Europe, but geospatial data describing them are often scattered. The Database of European Forest Insect & Disease Disturbances (DEFID2) allows researchers across Europe to share their geospatial reference records of insect and disease disturbances in European forests. Curated by the JRC, DEFID2 currently contains 650,000 harmonized georeferenced records mapped as polygons or points, complemented by the FORWIND database on windthrow events.

Change of focus in remote sensing science could increase user-uptake in forestry
Change of focus in remote sensing science could increase user-uptake in forestry

Remote sensing science often focuses on a particular data source or methodological development rather than the operational use of derived information. Fassnacht et al. see slow user-uptake, technical issues related to forest inventories, and map validation as challenges in using remote sensing in forest inventory and monitoring programmes. They recommend sharing success stories, addressing real-world problems, and promoting best practices to increase the user-uptake of new technologies.

Examining the environmental and economic complexities that define the forest industry
Examining the environmental and economic complexities that define the forest industry

A deeper understanding of forest ecosystems and their complex interaction with social-economic dimensions and benefits is needed to support forestry and the forest industry to contribute holistically to sustainable development goals. Raihan reviews the ways in which forestry contributes to society economically and explores recent dynamics in European forest resources and European forestry industry trends, as well as the European policy context.

Capturing the effects of forest management on species richness
Capturing the effects of forest management on species richness

The effects of forest management on biodiversity are difficult to measure. However, many forest species rely on specific structures that may be modified by forest management. Zeller et al. analysed 85 studies to identify above-ground structural attributes that could be used to further develop biodiversity monitoring and forest management. Canopy gaps and structural attributes related to old-growth forests (e.g., stand age, share of large old trees) were mostly positively correlated with species richness.

Further understanding on soil C stabilization process and microbial processes needed
Further understanding on soil C stabilization process and microbial processes needed

A deeper understanding of forest ecosystems and their complex interaction with social-economic dimensions and benefits is needed to support forestry and the forest industry to contribute holistically to sustainable development goals. Raihan reviews the ways in which forestry contributes to society economically and explores recent dynamics in European forest resources and European forestry industry trends, as well as the European policy context.