Welcome to FISE
FISE is the entry point for sharing information with the forest
community on Europe's forest environment, its state and development.
FISE brings together data, information and knowledge gathered or
derived through key forest-related policy drivers.
Sustaining Europe's forest biodiversity: Preservation, management and restoration
Europe’s forests represent a rich variety of unique natural heritage. This diversity of ecosystems provides homes for countless plants, animals, fungi and microorganisms, playing a crucial role in maintaining ecological balance and supporting the welfare of societies and economies.
Help us reach our goal of planting three billion trees in the EU by 2030
Anyone can plant a tree! And by 2030 we want 3 billion more trees in Europe. To achieve this ambitious target, we need motivated Europeans to plant trees and make sure that they grow over time.
Tree planting requires everyone involved to work together and the success of the pledge depends heavily on grassroots initiatives. Individuals, landowners, associations, companies, and public bodies such as cities and regions are all encouraged to participate in the initiative.
Get an overview of the state of forest in the European Countries
Healthy, diverse, productive, and resilient forests provide a long range of benefits to society and to human well-being and are fundamental for the sustainable development of forests. The country pages aim to give you an overall insight on how forests are doing in your country and other European countries.
Information reaches main aspects of forest state and trends from nature and biodiversity to bioeconomy. The information has been collected by the countries and reported to European forest databases and policy processes such as Eurostat, Forest Europe, the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), and information compiled at the European Environmental Agency (EEA).
Discover its definition(s) for more insights
In fact really not an easy question. When looking into the forest area and cover, it is essential to consider that the term ‘forest’ may have very different meanings depending on the context.
As a result, different data sources may use different forest definitions or even concepts, typically linked to the assessment methods and criteria agreed in various international frameworks. Great care should thus be taken when using, comparing, or combining forest area and forest cover estimates.