This section presents a list of the EU policy instruments relevant to Europe's forests and forest sector. Most of the policies mentioned are not specifically focused on forests, but they do address forest-related aspects to some extent. For each policy, links are provided containing its description by the Eruopean Commission and the actual legal text. The list begins with a presentation of current policy and legislation, organized by the type of instrument, and is followed by legislation in the development stage.

Legislation in force  


  • Marketing of forest reproductive material - 1999/105/EC(legal text


  • Regulation on compliance with the Nagoya protocol – (EU) 511/2014 (legal text

  • Climate Neutrality Framework - (EU) 2021/1119 (legal text

Strategies, plans and others 

  • Advanced Materials for Industrial Leadership – COM/2024/98 (legal text

  • Towards an ambitious Industrial Carbon Management for the EU - COM(2024)62 (legal text

  • Securing our future-Europe's 2040 climate target - COM(2024)63 (legal text

Voluntary instruments and guidelines 

Funding programs 

Policy in development stage 

  • Energy Performance of Buildings (recast) - COM(2021)802  (legal text

  • Regulation on packaging and packaging waste - COM(2022)677 (legal text

  • Revision Plant Health Regulation – COM(2023)661 (legal text