Forest's hidden secrets : why we need better forest monitoring ?
Register here and join the event at the European Parliament (JAN 6Q2) or online on Thursday 12 October, from 10:00 to 13:00 CET to hear experts’ views and discuss what it takes to improve forest monitoring across Europe.
Survey on planted forests under the PEN-CAFoRR COST Action CA19128
The PEN-CAFoRR COST Action (CA19128; http://www.pen-caforr.org/) has developed a survey to compile qualitative and semi-quantitative data about planted forests at European scale. The aim of the survey is to collect information about the main characteristics of European-planted forests per country and their vulnerability to global change drivers, to identify potential management actions for its adaptation to different disturbances, and identify potential people and existing databases for future works.
Please contribute by filling the survey with data and information from your country. The link for the survey and more information about this activity is here.
For any questions, contact prebollo@ucm.es
Future of EU rules on plant and forest reproductive material
The EU Commission adopted a proposal for an EU Regulation on forest reproductive material today. It refers to seeds, plants and parts of tree species used for new forests and other types of tree planting (planting the right species at the right place). See more here