National factsheet and EU Factsheet | Forest tree cover makes up and FOREST AREA [vis_forest_europe_forest_area_eu_eea_2018]
-- Connector: cnct_eu_forest_and_land_cover -- Visualization: vis_forest_europe_forest_area_eu_eea_2015 -- Definition: Gives the land, transitional woodland and forest cover for EEA38 and EU27 without UK in ha units -- Variables: -- - label (String): EEA38 or EU27 without UK -- - nuts_code (String): EEA38 or EU27 without UK -- - fores_area (float): Forest area in ha (CLC2018 Lv2: 311+312+313) -- - total_area (float): Total area in ha -- - other_wl (float): Transitional woodland-shrub area in ha (CLC2018 Lv2: 324) SELECT country AS label, REPLACE(NUTS_CODE,'EEA38','EEA') AS nuts_code, nuts_area AS total_area, (fores_area_311_312_313 - woodland_area) AS fores_area, woodland_area AS other_wl FROM [FISE].[latest].[v_cnct_multi_forest] WHERE NUTS_CODE IN ('EU27','EEA38')
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