
-- Connector: cnct_percforest_clc2018_country
-- Visualization: -
-- Definition: Gives the forest tree cover makes up statistic that show the percentage of forest from
-- a country and the total area of the country in ha
-- Variables: 
--   - Country (String): Name of the country
--   - NUTS_CODE (String): Code of the country
--   - perct_for (float): Percentage of forest, round to 2 decimals. Area divided by total area for each region multiplied by 100.
--   - fores_area (float): Area of forest in the country in ha
--   - nuts_area (float): Total area of the country in ha
  country AS Country,
  perct_for_311_312_313_324 AS perct_for,
  fores_area_311_312_313_324 AS fores_area,
FROM [FISE].[latest].[v_multi_clc_forest_and_land_cover] 

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