Roundwood production
Roundwood production comprises all quantities of wood removed from the forest felling site during a defined period.
Roundwood production under bark, k m³
Key indicators for forest economy
Economic activities include the forest-based sector (forestry and logging and the primary processing activities) and the wood-based secondary processing and manufacturing activities.
Employment, turnover, and value-added for the forest and forest-based sector typically refers to economic activities such as forestry and logging, manufacture of wood and of products of wood and cork, and manufacture of paper and paper products.
See sources under the graphs below
See sources under the graphs below
See sources under the graphs below
A substantial part of the employment, turnover and value added in Europe’s wood-based sector takes place in downstream parts of value chains. Below, a more comprehensive overview is presented of economic indicators for the forest-based sector (forestry and logging and the primary processing activities), as well as wood-based secondary processing and manufacturing activities.
Employment by sector, 1000 persons
Forest-based bioeconomy employment encompasses the workforce distributed in different sectors, comprising forestry, primary processing and secondary processing and manufacturing.
Turnover by forest sector, M EUR
Value added, M EUR
Use of wood
Within a range of products and services generated by forests, wood is highlighted as the main raw material for the forest bioeconomy sector. Wood is a versatile material used in different industries. Sawmills, panels, pulp, pellets, and energy are some of the traditional industries of the forest sector.
Share of wood use for materials and energy in 2020, %
The biggest wood processing industry for material use is the panel industry. Whilst 19% of the domestically produced and imported woody biomass is used to produce energy.
Changes in wood use from 2010 to 2020, k m³ over bark
Note: [2] SWE is solid wood equivalent (thousand cubic metres under bark)
Non-wood forest products
Forests provide many types of products, which include a wide variety of non-wood forest products (NWFP) such as berries, mushrooms, aromatic and decorative plant material, saps and resins, nuts, honey and wild meat. Their economic and social importance is considerable but available data on NWFP are mostly incomplete and difficult to compare.
Main non-wood forest products in 2015, M EUR
Source: FOREST EUROPE pan-European dataset provided by FAO, UNECE and FOREST EUROPE
Values of marketed NWFP are only reported for wild meat and food plant products according to Forest Europe, adding up to over 44 M EUR in 2015.